Indian Republic Day (26 Feb)

India Justice Project, 26 January 2022

Free stock image from Rupinder Singh of farmers protests in New Delhi from

Today marks the 72nd anniversary of the Indian Constitution. It was adopted on 26 January 1950, just 5 years after the end of the second world war and 3 years after gaining independence from British colonial rule. The Constitution captures democratic values and fundamental rights such as non-discrimination and the freedom of expression, marking a giant stride for the Indian people.

However, the rights protected by the Constitution are systematically undercut by Indian governments, increasingly so since the election of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s hindu-nationalist BJP party. There is state support and impunity for violence against Muslim and Christian minorities, attacks on the lives and livelihoods of farmers and workers, repression of ethnic nationalities such as Kashmiris and the imprisonment of all dissenters, including activists, academics, advocates, journalists, environmentalists, poets, students and even comedians, under anti-terror laws. The independence of the judiciary is slowly dissolving and crony capitalism is fuelling exploitation and environmental destruction.

This dismantling of democracy and fundamental rights is a direct attack on the Indian Constitution.

Today, we acknowledge the many struggles and movements going on within India’s borders. While the people in India and Kashmir fight against repression, the world must wake up to the reality of this country of 1.3 billion citizens descending into autocracy and violence and stand in solidarity to support their struggle to reclaim the republic.

Reclaim the Republic to stop the politics of hate!

Reclaim the Republic to protect the rights of religious minorities, Dalits, Adivasi, Kashmiris, women, LGBTIQ, workers and other oppressed groups!

Reclaim the Republic to reinstate justice and freedom of speech, abolishing repressive laws and freeing political prisoners!

This week, we will be highlighting some of the most urgent issues impacting people living within India’s borders on our social media pages. Support us by reading and sharing on Twitter and Instagram!